Friday 19 July 2019


By Akintunde Esan - 10:40, 08 Sep, 2014
Tags: Inspiration, Human Development

By Akintunde Esan - 10:40, 08 Sep, 2014

Man was born with nothing in his hands, but he has been empowered at creation with the creative intelligence to take care of his needs.

It is creative intelligence that has been propelling man to develop unlike the animals. Every progress man has made was born out of the need to meet his needs. In meeting his needs man started from nothing to the raw then to the refined followed by improvements.

Man is like every other animals but made not to live like animals. This is why man is imbued with creative intelligence. This is the only difference between man and animals, after all animals too have the five senses with some of them superior to human senses.

Man has a profound creative intelligence which no animal possesses; this is why man has developed from living on trees and in caves over the years to living in sophisticated apartments by virtue of his creative intelligence.Animals are daily looking for food and shelter because they are always consuming and not creating. Be conscious of your creative intelligence and put it to use or else you will live like the animals are living.

Man is configured  with the capacity to be the lord of the earth and the world by studying it, learning from it and developing it according to his level of personal development and revelation and as he develops the world so will he enjoy it from one generation to another.

It is the sacrosanct duty of man to leave the world better than he met it, whether socially or morally or materially. If he fails to develop it, those coming after him and his off-springs will suffer for it.

In developing the world he will live though he dies, by developing his environment and the people he will be immortalized by the legacies of the development he leaves behind.

Human development dictates and determines the development of the world. The people who have developed the world have made it a better place for all to live in and have done so in diverse areas of life such as: 


Everyone is at a level in the stage of human evolution. You have to discover your role in human development and play your natural role. The eye can never play the role of the nose and vice versa, because it was not made to be that way. You need to know and understand the way you are made to function in life. Be yourself don’t try to be another person.

Akintunde Esan

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ASE OLODUMARE : ALMIGHTY AUTHORITY By Akintunde Esan - 17:04, 18 Apr, 2013 Tags:  Philosophy, Inspiration, Spirituality, Human Development “...